Confident Photographer = Happy Babies
posing can be easy
What Course is right for me?
Ever thought
“Why do my sessions take so long?”
Ever thought
“Why do my sessions take so long?”
Have you wondered if it’s the same for everyone else? The truth is that many factors come in to play and once you know what they are, you can start to implement them. We want you get off the struggle bus and start producing massive beautiful galleries that make your clients jump for joy and want to buy them all. But if you want all the secret’s, NPPA is for you. It’s for photographers who are tired of the struggle bus and want to do it properly and make more money at the same time!

Lighting Video Tutorial

Do I have to join a membership?
No you don’t! All courses are now lifetime access with the option to pay with instalments or one payment!
Sweet Baby Workshop
12 Brand new posing tutorials recorded November
2024 are now ready for purchase!
Its time to level up those posing & editing skills fast!

Essential Poses Course
This is right for you if
you have only done a few sessions
and need it all broken down.
Pair this with the lighting tutorial
and you are set! This includes
some editing too!

NPPA Online Mentoring
This is the best program out there for
photographers that want to be the best at posing,
lighting, editing, business & seo. We hold your
hand for 8 months! We support you via the course,
allowing unlimited questions daily via
facebook messenger access and monthly zooms.
8 months of unlimited help
can’t be beat!

Passion for Posing Library
This is right for you if
you’ve done quite a few sessions
but need more confidence &
want to see me pose over 20
different babies!
This is only posing & wrapping